Net-Zero and Negative Emissions – Documents and videostream available
On October 21st a widely recognised event on negative emissions technologies (NET) was organised by ZCMA. NET become more and more important in the discussions
On October 21st a widely recognised event on negative emissions technologies (NET) was organised by ZCMA. NET become more and more important in the discussions
Der Verein Wald-Klimaschutz Schweiz sucht für die operative Leitung per 1. August 2019 eine
Geschäftsstellenleitung (Mandat im Umfang von 15-20%
Industrialized countries agreed on reaching a goal of jointly mobilizing $ 100 billion annually by 2020 to finance climate mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries. Climate finance should be mobilized from a wide variety of public and private sources, instruments and channels, and through a variety of actions.
Members of the carbon pricing research community are encouraged to submit abstracts for consideration in the CPLC Research Conference in January 2019. Proposed papers can originate from any discipline, including – but not limited to – economics, political science, international relations, and law, or be interdisciplinary in approach.