About Us

The Zurich Carbon Market Association (Zurich CMA) is a non-political membership organisation interested in the evolution of sustainability focused and high-quality  carbon markets with the aim to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

We act as a platform for networking, knowledge sharing and outreach among members and non-members. We welcome all institutions, companies and individuals based in the region of Zurich who have the same interest as we do.

The Zurich CMA publishes its official documents such as AGM protocols and articles of association here.


meet our associated members

Our members are corporations, research and other institutions as well as private individuals with activities and interests in market solutions to tackling climate change. If you want to become a member as well, please submit your request through our online form.

Board Members

Mischa Classen

Denise Fussen

Philippe Goffin

Florian Goppel

Owen Hugh

Philipp Ischer

Yeves Keller

Anik Kohli

Axel Michaelowa

Simon Fellermeyer

Thomas Richner